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Student Rights & Supports

exterior of Madison Meadows middle school

Madison District believes it is the right of every student to be educated in a positive, safe, caring, and respectful learning environment. A school environment inclusive of these traits maximizes student achievement, fosters student personal growth, and helps students build a sense of community that promotes positive participation as members of society.

Madison schools, in partnership with parents, guardians, and students, shall establish and maintain school environments based on these beliefs. Madison schools shall implement age-appropriate programs designed to instill in students the values of positive interpersonal relationships, mutual respect, and appropriate conflict resolution.

The following basic guidelines of rights and responsibilities shall not be construed to be all-inclusive. Each student is obligated to respect the rights of classmates, teachers, and other school personnel. Students shall exercise their rights responsibly, with due regard for the equal rights of others and in compliance with the rules and regulations established for the orderly conduct of the educational mission of the District. Students who violate the rights of others or who violate rules and regulations of the District or of their school are subject to appropriate disciplinary measures.


  • Students have the right to a meaningful education.
  • Students have the right to physical safety.
  • Students have the right to consultation with teachers, social workers, administrators, and anyone else connected with the school if they so desire, without fear of reprisal.
  • Students shall not be subjected to unreasonable or excessive punishment.
  • Students have the right to be involved in school activities provided they meet the reasonable qualifications of sponsoring organizations and school requirements.
  • Students may present a complaint or grievance regarding a violation of their constitutional rights, equal access to programs, discrimination, or personal safety.


Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports and practices will be implemented to maintain a safe and positive school culture within the District. All students will be provided with the school procedures for the accountability of all students (District and school rules are published in the Parent/Student Handbook). Parents and students will notify building school administrator of any additional safety concerns as they arise to ensure safety of all.

Support Services available to students in need may include but are not limited to the following. Please contact your building administration for support services referral.

  • School Social Worker
  • School Psychologist
  • School Nurse / Health Associate
  • School Resource Officer (if assigned to the school campus)
  • Tiered Behavioral Intervention Support
  • Referral to Community Agency